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U ovom diplomskom radu obrađuje se tema temperature podzemne vode priobalnih vodonosnika kao indikatora zaslanjenja. Fokus rada prvenstveno se stavlja na globalno područje, ali se bavi i našim priobaljem. Osim temperature, koja igra jaku veliku ulogu kod zaslanjenja, na njega utječu i razni antropogeni faktori kao i električna vodljivost. Kod zaslanjenja vrlo je važno spomenuti i Ghyben-Herzbergov zakon koji se temelji na odnosu razlike u gustoći slatke i slane morske vode. Isto je tako važno pratiti kako se kreću srednje godišnje temperature mora i podzemne vode koje ovise o klimatskim promjenama. Rad također prikazuje temperaturni efekt u zatvorenom prostoru pomoću laboratorijskog pokusa, odnosno preko numeričke simulacije. The master thesis deals with the topic of groundwater temperature of coastal aquifers as an indicator of salinization. The main focus of the thesis is a global area, but it also deals with our coastal area. Besides temperature, which plays an important role in the process of salinity there are also varius anthropogenic factors as well as electrical conductivity that affect it. When it comes to salinity, it is also very important to mention the Ghyben-Herzberg law, which is based on the ratio of the difference in the density of fresh and seawater. It is also important to monitor the movement of the mean annual sea and groundwater temperature, which depend on the climate change. The thesis als shows the temperature effect in a closed area using a laboratory experiment, i.e., a numerical simulation. |