Concept of a continuous fermentation of a mash in the production of ethanol from starch-containing raw materials

Autor: Lembovich, А. I., Ruchay, N. S., Kuznetsov, I. N., Ilyushchenko, A. F., Kuzin, R. А., Cherniak, I. N., Yakimovich, N. N.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: The concept of a continuous fermentation of a mashin the bioreactor equipped with the microfiltrational module, ensuring separation of brew with filtrate takeoff (an aqueous-alcoholic solute) and backstock of a concentrate of yeast to the barmy device is offered. Efficiency of functioning of preproduction models of the microfiltrational elements designed of pressed titan powder with the average pore size from 2 tо7 micron is introduced. Throughput of filter cartridges on an aqueous-alcoholic solute on modelling system is experimentally defined and was 700–1.000 dm 3 /m 2 · hour at absolute efficiencyof keeping of yeast cells.
Databáze: OpenAIRE