The soil conditions of the oak stand in the south-west part of Belarus

Autor: Antonik, M. I., Bosak, V. M.
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: In the soil and climatic conditions of the oak stands (Quercus robur L.) grown installed: features of the state land-ground-water conditions on the water phy sical properties and moisture capacity; the regu-larities of distribution and content of nutrients were revealed; the granulometric composition of soil were established and the group and factional composition of humus were determined. The studies found that in the Bi alowieza Forest oak-woods grow on sod-podzolic and brown forest sandy and sabulous soils underlain by moraine loam. Oak-woods in the floodplains of Pripyat grow on floodplain sod gley sabulous soils with content of physical clay in humus horizons up to 20%. Soil conditions of oaks by water-physical characteristics, moisture reserves and agrochemical indicators are better in floodplain forests, while by density and granulometric texture – in upland types of oak-woods.
Databáze: OpenAIRE