Riuso adattivo per la rigenerazione di territori a diversa velocità: l’area 'intermedia' di Palomonte (SA

Autor: de Biase C., Fabbricatti K., Brio Albano C., Gala R.
Přispěvatelé: de Biase, C., Fabbricatti, K., Brio Albano, C., Gala, R.
Jazyk: italština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: The National Internal Areas Strategy has been active in Italy for some years. It aims at contrasting the depopulation of peripheral areas of our country and affirming a way of making public policies that takes into account the singular multiplicity of territorial situations that characterize it. It also represents a battle aimed at a more socially and territorially equitable development. This contribution proposes reflections starting from the case study of the Municipality of Palomonte (SA), developed within the second level Master in Sustainable Maintenance and Rehabilitation of the built environment of the University of Naples Federico II. Palomonte is an "intermediate" area, according to the classification proposed by the SNAI, which, with a demographic trend peculiar to the internal areas of Southern Italy, in recent years is affected by processes of depopulation and fragmentation of the territory. Through the combination of a place-based approach with the capability approach, and on the basis of a system vision between poles and internal areas, the research proposes short to medium term adaptive reuse scenarios, with the aim of triggering a reversal of the current demographic trend, attracting old and new inhabitants to invest in the area.
Databáze: OpenAIRE