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U ovom radu bilo je potrebnu modelirati jednu mrežu s fotonaponskim modulima i vidjeti njihov utjecaj na tokove snaga u mreži. Opisan je način rada i svrha fotonaponskih modula, te izmjenjivača i sabirnica koji su potrebni da bi te module spojili na ovu modeliranu izmjeničnu mrežu. Mreža je modelirana u programu EasyPower i pokazan je način postavljanja komponenata. Modelirana mreža je zahtijevala dosta jalove snage koja je uspješno kompenzirana kondenzatorskim baterijama. Na tako popravljenu sliku mreže su dodani fotonaponski izvoti i jasno se vidi da se potrebna snaga iz mreže za potrošače znatno smanjila. Fotonaponski moduli su nadomjestili dio potrebne snage, što znači da je generator rasterećen. In this paper, it was necessary to model a single grid with photovoltaic modules and see their impact on the power flows in the grid. The operation and purpose of the photovoltaic modules, as well as the exchangers and buses required to connect these modules to this modeled AC network, are described. The network is modeled in EasyPower and shows how to place the components. The modeled grid required a lot of reactive power, which was successfully compensated by the capacitor batteries. Photovoltaic grids have been added to the grid so repaired and it is clear that the required power from the grid for consumers has decreased significantly. Photovoltaic modules have replaced some of the required power, which means that the generator is unloaded. |