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U ovome radu teorijski je objašnjena distribucijska mreža te su proučena Mrežna pravila distribucijskog sustava. Opisana je fotonaponska elektrana kao i njezini dijelovi te su prikazani harmonici i način njihovog nastajanja. Zbog proučavanja harmonika uvedeni su pojmovi poput ukupnog harmonijskog izobličenja te Fourierov red. Izvedena je simulacija u programskom paketu DIgSILENT gdje je prikazana distribucijska mreža sa svojim elementima te priključenim fotonaponskim elektranama. Proučava se utjecaj fotonaponske elektrane na mrežu te se vidi da proizvedeni harmonici nemaju preveliki doprinos na THD. Također, grafički je prikazan utjecaj harmonika na kabel i transformator. Zaključak je da se FN elektrana može priključiti na distribucijsku mrežu i nesmetano raditi jer harmonijsko izobličenje zadovoljava sve granice. Harmonic analysis of PV power plant connected on distribution grid In this thesis, the distribution network is theoretically explained and the network rules of the distribution system are studied. After that, the photovoltaic power plant is described as well as its parts. Also, harmonics and the way they are created are shown. Due to the study of harmonics, concepts such as total harmonic distortion and Fourier series were introduced. A simulation was performed in the DIgSILENT software package, where the distribution network with its elements and connected photovoltaic power plants is shown. The influence of the photovoltaic power plant on the grid is studied and it can be seen that the produced harmonics do not have a large contribution to THD. Also, the influence of harmonics on the cable and transformer is shown graphically. The conclusion is that the PV power plant can be connected to the distribution network and work smoothly because the harmonic distortion meets all limits. |