Intervehicular communication in VANET networks

Autor: Kovačević, Mario
Přispěvatelé: Grgić, Krešimir
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Tema ovog rada je opisati i analizirati rad VANET mreže. Prvi dio rada se sastoji od teorijskog dijela gdje je obrađena podjela VANET mreže na tri tipa komunikacije, vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to infrastructure i infrastructure to infrastructre komunikaciju. Također su opisani protokoli pomoću kojih se šalju paketi i poruke u samoj mreži. Prikazana je struktura beacon poruka, tj. kratkih poruka koje se šalju u mreži sa osnovnim informacijama o statusu vozila. Nakon toga u radu je objašnjen paket unutar VANET mreže i od kojih se dijelova sastoji. Sljedeći dio je arhitektura same mreže odnosno podjela na skupljanje informacija s prometnica, VANET oblak u kojem se analiziraju i obrađuju skupljeni podaci i infrastruktura koja služi kao veza između ta dva dijela. Zadnji dio teorijskog dijela je objašnjenje razmjene podataka. Drugi dio rada je praktični dio i izvedva četiri simulacije u dva programska okruženja, Veinsu i CupCarbonu. Provedene su dvije simulacije u oba programa te su međusobno analizirane i grafički prikazane, ovisno i vrsti komunikacije unutar samog programa, te razlike između istih simulacija u dva programa. Na kraju rada u zaključku su opisana zapažanja i zaključci. The topic of this thesis is to describe and analyze the work of the VANET network. The first part of the paper consists of a theoretical part where the division of the VANET network into three types of communication, vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to infrastructure and infrastructure to infrastructure communication is discussed. Protocols for sending packets and messages within the network are also described. The structure of beacon messages, short messages sent in the network with basic information about the status of the vehicle, is shown. After that, the paper explains the package within the VANET network and what parts it consists of. The next part is the architecture of the network itself, the division into the collection of information from roads, the VANET cloud in which the collected data is analyzed and processed, and the infrastructure that serves as a link between the two parts. The last part of the theoretical part is an explanation of data exchange. The second part of the paper is a practical part and performance of four simulations in two programming environments, Veins and CupCarbon. Two simulations were performed in both programs and were mutually analyzed and graphically presented, depending on the type of communication within the program, and the differences between the same simulations in the two programs. At the end of the paper, the observations and conclusions are described in the conclusion.
Databáze: OpenAIRE