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Kronologija ovog završnog rada da obuhvaća uvod, tj. teorijski dio o elektranama na biomasu, njegove energetske i financijske karakteristike; teorijski dio o stabilnosti elektroenergetskog sustava gdje su opisani model generatora, uzbude i turbinske regulacije; te na koncu praktični dio koji se odnosi na simulaciju prijelaznih pojava i dinamičku stabilnost kod naglih promjena kod elektrane na biomasu tj. generatora. Prvo poglavlje obuhvaća uvodni dio opisa elektrane na biomasu i cilj ovog završnog rada. S drugim poglavljem započinje glavni dio rada koji se bavi dinamičkom stabilnosti te modelima generatora, uzbude i turbinskog regulatora. U trećem poglavlju napravljena je simulacija dinamičke stabilnosti i prijelaznih pojava kod određenih promjena u mreži. The chronology of this final paper includes an introduction, ie a theoretical part about biomass power plants, its energy and financial characteristics; theoretical part on power system stability where generator, excitation and turbine control models are described; and finally the practical part related to the simulation of transients and dynamic stability in the event of sudden changes in biomass power plants, ie generators. The first chapter includes the introductory part of the description of the biomass power plant and the aim of this paper. The second chapter begins with the main part of the work dealing with dynamic stability and models of generators, excitations and turbine regulators. In the third chapter, a simulation of dynamic stability and transients in certain changes in the network is made. |