Measurement of a ground resistance

Autor: Leko, Tea
Přispěvatelé: Knežević, Goran
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Zadatak završnog rada bio je teoretski prikazati metode mjerenja otpora rasprostiranja uzemljenja te prikazati prednosti i nedostatke pojedine metode. Na primjeru uzemljivača izvršena su mjerenja otpora rasprostiranja uzemljenja primjenjujući navedene metode. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata prikazan je utjecaj odabira metoda mjerenja na rezultate mjerenja otpora rasprostiranja uzemljivača. U uvodnom poglavlju prikazana su uvodna razmatranja te zadatak završnog rada. U drugom i trećem poglavlju opisani su osnovni pojmovi i definicije uzemljivačkog sustava. U četvrtom dijelu prikazan je praktični dio, odnosno objašnjena su provedena mjerenja te su komentirani dobiveni rezultati Assignement of the this final work was to theoretically show different methods of measurement of ground propagation resistance and also to show the benefits and imperfections of each of these methods. On the example of ground electrode, measurements of ground propagation resistance were made, using methods above. Based on given results, influence of chosen methods of measurements on the results of measurement earthing resistance is presented. In the introduction of this final work you can read about the object and purpose of selected topic. Also, in order to better comprehend the final work, second and third part consists of basic terms, definitions and explained formulas. Fourth part consists of experiment, where with the help of formulas, given results can be better understood.
Databáze: OpenAIRE