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Za uspješno poslovanje kompanije važno je uzajamno povjerenje. Također je vrlo važna i visoka organiziranost. Upravo zbog tog razloga, kompanije trebaju koristiti logistiku. Logistika je tijek dobara između originalne točke i točke potrošnje u cilju da se zadovolje potrebe kupaca ili korporacija. Izvori u logistici mogu uključivati stvarne proizvode poput hrane, materijala, životinja, opreme i tekućina, kao i nestvarne proizvode poput informacija, čestica i energije. Logistika stvarnih proizvoda obično uključuje integraciju protoka informacija, rukovanja materijalom, proizvodnju, pakiranje, inventar, prijevoz, skladištenje i često sigurnost. Jedna od glavnih karakteristika za poslovnu logistiku je imati dobar proizvod u dobroj količini na pravom mjestu, za dobru cijenu u dobrim uvjetima, za pravog kupca. Koristeći tu frazu svi će kupci biti zadovoljni. Poslovna logistika uključuje sve sektore u industriji. Na tržištu se koriste suvremeni logistički sustavi koji se oslanjaju na informacijsko- komunikacijsku tehnologiju, a jedan su od uvjeta za ispunjenje europskih standarda. Ovim je radom analitičkim pristupom ukazano na značajnu ulogu informatičke tehnologije u logističkim operacijama, a primjerima iz prakse ukazalo se na dosadašnje rezultate te primjene kao i na buduće moguće primjene. For the successful business of the company, the common trust is very important. The high organization is also very important. That is why the companies need to use logistics. Logistics is the management of the flow of goods between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet requirements of customers or coporations. The resources managed in logistics can include physical items, such as food, materials, animals, equipment and liquids, as well as abstract items, such as time, information, particles, and 41 energy. The logistics of physical items usually involves the integration of information flow, material handling, production, packaging, inventory, transportation, warehousing and often security. One of the most important items for the business logistics is having the right item in the right quantity at the right place for the right price in the right condition to the right costumer. Using that phrase all customes will be satissfied. Business logistics incorporates all industry sectors. On the trade market are used modern logistic systems which count on information-communication technology. That kind of the system is one of the conditions to fill in all the Europes standards. This paper offers an analytical approach pointed to the important role of information technology (IT) in logistics operations. Practice examples showed current results of this applications as well as the possible future applications. |