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Ovaj diplomski rad opisuje korištenje informatičkih-komunikacijskih tehnologija u svrhu prodaje proizvoda putem interneta. Naveden je razvoj elektronske trgovine kroz zadnjih 40-tak godina te su objašnjene različite tehnologije za stvaranje web i mobilnih aplikacija. Definirana je elektronska trgovina te je pojašnjena njezina podjela na dva glavna dijela: B2B i B2C. Također, pojašnjen je položaj manjih proizvođača na tržištu, poput obiteljski poljoprivrednih gospodarstava. Dodatno, govori se o načinima prodaje poljoprivrednih proizvoda, utjecaju COVID-19 virusa na prodaju te značaj digitalnog marketinga u današnjem poslovanju i probijanju manjih poduzeća na tržište. U nastavku, dani su postojeći primjeri elektronskih trgovina u svrhu prodaje hrane i poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Najvažniji dio predstavlja praktični dio rada, primjer jedne e-trgovine za prodaju poljoprivrednih proizvoda kreirane u obliku virtualne tržnice. Web Tržnica je kreirana uz pomoć modernih, aktualnih web tehnologija čije funkcionalnosti su ukratko objašnjene. Na kraju, opisan je sam način rada web stranice i njezine funkcionalnosti. This paper describes the use of information and communication technologies for the purpose of selling products via the Internet. The development of e-commerce over the last 40 years is listed, and various technologies for creating web and mobile applications are explained. Electronic commerce is defined and its division into two main parts is clarified: B2B and B2C. Furthermore, the position of small - scale producers on the market, such as family farms, was clarified. In addition, the paper talks about the ways of selling agricultural products, the impact of the COVID-19 virus on sales, and the importance of digital marketing in today's business and breaking of smaller companies into the market. In continuation, the existing examples of electronic stores for the purpose of selling food and agricultural products have been given. The most important part of the paper represents the practical part of the work, an example of an e-shop for the sale of agricultural products created in the form of a virtual market. The Web Market was created with the help of modern, up-to-date web technologies, whose functionalities are briefly explained. The final part of the paper includes the description of the way the website works and its functionalities. |