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Zadatak diplomskog rada je detaljan opis modeliranja energetskog transformatora. Korištenjem Clarkove transformacije, model je prebačen iz trofaznog sustava (abc) u dvofazni (mirni) sustav (α-β). Simuliranje kratkog spoja i praznog hoda provedeno je s ciljem ispitivanja ispravnosti rada transformatora. Nakon utvrđenog ispravnog rada transformatora, provedena je simulacija kvarova u pojedinim dijelovima energetskog transformatora. Simuliran je kratki spoj na različitim dijelovima (početak, sredina i kraj) namota sekundara koji je podijeljen na segmente (dva, tri i četiri). Povećanjem broja segmenata dolazi do smanjenja struje i napona zbog smanjenja namota po segmentu, odnosno, smanjenje otpora. U model sekundara umetnut je paralelni vod te je modeliran trofazni kratki spoj na početku, sredini i kraju voda. Simulacijom je utvrđen Ferrantijev efekt koji se javlja zbog podopterećenog voda. The task of thesis is a detailed description of the modeling power transformer. By using Clark's transformation, the model is transferred from the three-phase system (ABC) in a two-phase (quiet) system (α-β). Simulating a short circuit and idling was conducted to test the correctness of transformers. Once established the correct operation of the transformer, simulations of failures in some parts of the power transformer. A short circuit is simulated in different parts (beginning, middle and end) of secondary windings which is divided into segments (two, three and four). Increasing the number of segments, a decrease of current and voltage is occured due to reduced windings per segment. In the model of secondary is inserted parallel line and modeled threephase short circuit at the beginning, middle and end of the line. Simulations have determined Ferranti effect that occurs because under loaded line. |