Simulation of traffic and communication between vehicles and infrastructure

Autor: Ivešić, Toni
Přispěvatelé: Balen, Josip
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: U ovom diplomskom radu je obrađena tema simuliranja prometa i komunikacije između vozila i infrastrukture. U teorijskom dijelu rada obrađena je podjela VANET mreže na V2V, V2I i V2X tipove komunikacije. Uz podjelu VANET mreže, opisani su i protokoli slanja paketa i poruka u VANET mreži. Prikazana je i strukturu beacon poruka, to su kratke poruke koje se odašilju u mreži s osnovnim informacija o statusu vozila. Objašnjena je i arhitektura VANET mreže, odnosno detaljno su opisani slojevi VANET mreže. Također su opisani i modeli po kojima se šalju i primaju poruke u VANET mreži. Teorijski dio je zatvoren opisom simulatora koji će se koristiti za komunikaciju između dva vozila, a to su Veins, Eclipse MOSAIC i PTV VISSIM. Drugi dio rada se odnosi na praktični dio, odnosno simulacije u navedenim simulatorima. U Veinsu je odrađena simulacija automatskog generiranja poruka nakon nepredviđene situacije na cesti, u Eclipse MOSAIC jednostavno slanje poruka od RSU-a vozilima i komunikacija između vozila na vizualnom primjeru, a u PTV VISSIM-u je odrađena simulacija protoka prometa na kompleksnom križanju. This thesis deals with the topic of simulating traffic and communication between vehicles and infrastructure. In the theoretical part of the paper, the division of VANET network into V2V, V2I and V2X types of communication is discussed. In addition to the division of the VANET network, the protocols for sending packets and messages in the VANET network are also described. The structure of beacon messages has also been shown, these are short messages that are sent in the network with basic information about the status of the vehicle. The architecture of the VANET network is also explained, ie the layers of the VANET network are described in detail. The models by which messages are sent and received in the VANET network are also described. The theoretical part is closed with a description of the simulator that will be used for communication between two vehicles, namely Veins, Eclipse MOSAIC and PTV VISSIM. The second part of the paper refers to the practical part, ie simulations in these simulators. In Veins, a simulation of automatic message generation after an unpredicted situation on the road was performed, in Eclipse MOSAIC simple sending of messages from RSU to vehicles and communication between vehicles on a visual example, and in PTV VISSIM a simulation of traffic flow at a complex intersection.
Databáze: OpenAIRE