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Nakon teorijske podloge o vjetru i pretvorbi energije vjetra u električnu energiju, te izvršenih mjerenja na pet različitih lokacija i analize istih donešen je zaključak da najbolji energetski potencijal ima otok Brač, dok najlošije Orah i Zelovo. Razlog tako dobrog potencijala ne samo na otoku Braču, nego i na ostalim sličnim otocima (Pag, Rab itd.) je taj što su okruţeni morem, te nemaju velikih prepreka koje vjetar mora savladati pa se tako mogu razviti jako velike brzine vjetra. Dok su s druge strane Orah i Zelovo u potpunosti omeĎeni planinama i brdima zbog čega vjetar ne doseţe velike brzine pa se tako dobiju rezultati mnogo lošiji nego na otocima. No iz dobivenih rezultata u Prominama i Smokovljanima vidmo da nisu samo otoci pogodni za izgradnju vjetroelektrana nego su tu i priobalne lokacije do kojih vjetar s mora ima otvoren put, odnosno nema prepreka kao što su planine i brda. Hrvatska svojim geografskim poloţajem ima ogroman energetski potencijal, što govori i podatak da u Hrvatskoj postoji 29 makrolokacija s povoljnim energetskim potencijalom, no oni trenutno nisu dovoljno iskorišteni. Iako pretvorba energije vjetra u električnu jako učinkovita, u Hrvatskoj se samo 8% godišnje potraţnje električne energije pokriva tim izovor, dok ostale zemlje sličnih geografskih karakterisitka mnogo više iskorištavaju te pogodnosti, kao na primjer Danska koja sa svojih 19% udjela prednjači u Europi. Republika Hrvatska se nalazi tek na 18. mjestu u Europskoj uniji po instaliranoj snazi vjetroagregata, dok su drţave čiji je potencijal vjetra jednak ili čak i manji ispred nje, kao na primjer, Belgija, Austrija, Rumunjska i druge. Taj podatak nam govori kako Republika Hrvatska ima i dalje prostora i mogućnosti za napredak i bolje iskorištenje energije vjetra. [12] After a theoretical background on wind and conversion of wind energy into electricity, and measurements made at five different locations and analysis of them, it was concluded that the island of Brac has the best energy potential, while the worst is Orah and Zelovo. The reason for such good potential, not only on the island of Brac, but also on other similar islands (Pag, Rab, etc.) is that they are surrounded by the sea and do not have large obstacles that the wind has to overcome, so that very high wind speeds can develop. On the other hand, Orah and Zelovo are completely bounded by mountains and hills which is why the wind does not reach high speeds and so the results are much worse than in the islands. However, from the results obtained in Promine and Smokovljani we can see that not only are the islands suitable for the construction of wind power plants, but also there are coastal locations to which the wind from the sea has an open path, that is, there are no obstacles such as mountains and hills. With its geographical location, Croatia has enormous energy potential, which indicates that there are 29 macro-locations with favorable energy potential in Croatia, but they are currently underutilized. Although wind energy conversion is highly efficient, in Croatia only 8% of annual electricity demand is covered by this excuse, while other countries with similar geographical features make much greater use of these benefits, such as Denmark, which with a 19% share in Europe. The Republic of Croatia ranks only 18th in the European Union in terms of installed capacity of wind turbines, while countries whose wind potential is equal or even less ahead of it, such as Belgium, Austria, Romania and others. This information tells us that the Republic of Croatia still has space and opportunities for progress and better use of wind energy. [12] |