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Završni rad obrađuje temu “Suvremene tendencije u razvoju visokonaponskih prekidača“. Definirane su struja kratkog spoja i neke temeljne pretpostavke o njima u terminu kratkog spoja. Dalje su navedeni modeli prekidača razdijeljeni u dvije skupine, prvu koju čine modeli koji su nekoć bili u praktičnoj uporabi, i drugu dva tipa koja su danas u uporabi, koja su nadomjestila modele iz prve grupe. Potom se detaljnije obrađuju ta dva modela suvremene uporabe jer su oni i središnja točka ovog rada. Obrađuju se njihove karakteristike, značajke, prednosti, mane, utjecaj na okolinu. Naposljetku se računski razrađuje primjer mreže gdje je prikazan pravilan odabir rasklopne moći prekidača. The final paper addresses the subject “Modern day developmental tendencies in high-voltage switches“. Short-circuit currents are defined, as are some basic assumptions about them in terms of short-circuit. Then, we defined types of switches split into two groups, first that are made of ones which were used in early days, and second which are in use to this day, and which have replaced the ones from the first group. Afterwards is more detailed view of the two of types of modern day usage, because they are the central point of this final paper. We elaborate their characteristics, features, advantages, shortcomings and enviromental impact. Last but not least is calculations of the example of grid with switch disconnection, where we test the right ways to select the proper switch in specific situations, or conditions. |