Agressive behavior in children aged 3-6 years toward educater

Autor: Trajanovski, Dijana
Přispěvatelé: Cakić, Lara
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Agresivno ponašanje djece predškolske dobi nad odraslima (posebice nad odgojiteljicama) nije često istraživana tema. Naime, agresija je bilo koje ponašanje koje nekoj drugoj osobi nanosi povredu ili uništava imovinu. Drugim riječima, agresivno ponašanje usmjereno je prema drugoj osobi s ciljem nanošenja fizičke ili psihičke štete za što se još uvijek vjeruje da djeca u dobi od tri do šest godina nisu sposobna. Agresivno ponašanje nad odgojiteljima, osobama koje sudjeluju u odgojnom procesu djece, povećava doživljaj stresa na radnome mjestu što se može odraziti na kvalitetu njihova rada s djecom, zdravstveni status, kao i češće izbivanje s posla. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su utvrditi učestalost agresivnog ponašanja predškolske djece nad odgojiteljicama u protekle dvije godine te rezultate istraživanja usporediti s rezultatima istraživanja Nasilje nad stručnim djelatnicima u vrtiću provedenog u Republici Hrvatskoj (Sindik i Zrnić, 2015). U istraživanju su sudjelovale odgojiteljice iz šest dječjih vrtića na području grada Osijeka. Rezultati ankete agresivnog ponašanja djece vrtićke dobi podijeljeni su na direktna i indirektna agresivna ponašanja. Aggressive behavior of preschool children toward adults (especially toward preschool educators) isn't often explored topic. Specifically, aggression is any kind of behaviour that causes someone else to injured or destroys property. In other words, agressive behaviour is directed towards another person with the aim of causing physical or psyhological harm which is still believed that children between three and six years are incapable of doing so. Aggressive behaviour toward preschool educators increases stress experience at the workplace, which can be reflected in the quality of their work with children, health and more frequent job breaks. The aim od this research was to determine the frequency of aggressive behavior of preschool children toward preschool educators in the past two years and compare the results of this reasearch with the results of the research Violence of the children against the professionals in kindergarden throughout the Republic of Croatia (Sindik i Zrnić, 2015). In the research were involved preschool educators from six kindergartens in the Osijek. The results of the aggressive behavior kindergarten children are divided into direct and indirect aggressive behaviour.
Databáze: OpenAIRE