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Napretkom tehnologije i razvojem interneta korisnicima je omogućen pristup mnogim izvorima informacija i uslugama. Jedna od internetskih usluga su društvene mreže koje korisnicima daju mogućnost povezivanja, interakcije i komunikacije s drugim korisnicima. Svaka se društvena mreža razlikuje prema karakteristikama i uslugama koje pruža te ima određene prednosti i nedostatke s obzirom na ostale društvene mreže. S vremenom društvene mreže postaju popularnije i broje sve više korisnika, a među korisnicima društvenih mreža nalaze se i djeca. Zbog sve veće uključenosti djece mlađe školske dobi u društvene mreže u ovom se radu razmatra mišljenje budućih učitelja o tome koje su aktualne društvene mreže na internetu zastupljene među djecom nižih razreda osnovne škole te koje su navike i ponašanja djece u tom okruženju. Željelo se ispitati smatraju li budući učitelji da djeca mlađe školske dobi provode previše vremena na društvenim mrežama te jesu li aktivnosti djece pod nadzorom roditelja/skrbnika ili učitelja. Kao što je i u školi bitno da se svaki učenik osjeća prihvaćeno te da se ne krše njegova prava i ne izlaže nasilju, tako je i na društvenim mrežama važno poznavanje i poštivanje pravila. Matešić (2012) pojašnjava kako je jedan od većih problema činjenica što se elektroničko nasilje ne može kontrolirati u istoj mjeri kao tradicionalno nasilje baš zato što se odvija u takvoj okolini gdje je nadzor manje dostupan. Advances in technology and the development of the Internet have approached users many sources of information and services. One of the Internet services are social networks that enable users to connect, interact and communicate with other users. Each social network differs according to the characteristics and services it provides and has certain advantages and disadvantages compared to other social networks. Over time, social networks become more popular getting more and more users, and there are also children among the users of social networks. Due to the increasing involvement of younger school-aged children population in social networks, this paper examines the opinion of future teachers about which current social networks are represented on the Internet among children of lower grades of elementary school and what are the habits and behaviors of children in that environment. The opinion of future teachers is examined on whether children of younger school age spend too much time on social networks and whether they think that children's activities are under the supervision of parents/guardians or teachers. Just as in school it is important that every student feels accepted and that their rights are not violated and they are not exposed to violence, so it is important to know and respect the rules on social networks. Matešić (2012) explains that one of the major problems is the fact that electronic violence cannot be controlled to the same extent as traditional violence, especially because it takes place in such an environment where supervision is less available. |