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U ovom završnom radu govori se o poticanju dječje kreativnosti kroz cijelo djetinjstvo, likovnom razvoju djece te slikarskim likovnim tehnikama, ponajviše o kolaž papiru i temperi. Provedeno je istraživanje o izrazu djece s tim dvjema likovnim tehnikama. Cilj istraživanja jest uvidjeti sposobnost djece predškolske dobi u korištenju likovnih tehnika kolaža i tempere u likovnom izrazu s obzirom na dob djece. Istraživanje se provodilo nad devetnaestero djece mješovite vrtićke skupine. Rezultati istraživanja su detaljno opisani i prikazani u radu. Pomoću tih informacija možemo uvidjeti kako se djeca snalaze u radu s različitim tehnikama te koje su njihove preferencije. This final paper discusses the encouragement of children's creativity throughout childhood, children's artistic development and painting techniques, especially collage paper and tempera. A study was conducted on the expression of children with these two art techniques. The aim of the research is to see the ability of preschool children to use the art techniques of collage and tempera in artistic expression with regard to the age of children. The study was conducted on nineteen children of a mixed kindergarten group. The results of the research are described in detail and presented in the paper. With the help of this information, we can see how children cope with working with different techniques and what their preferences are. |