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Predmet istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada jest historijsko-geografski razvoj Moslavine. Rad se temelji na analizi i obradi stručne i znanstvene literature te analizi i obradi izvora podataka. Sadržajno je rad podijeljen u pet cjelina, uz uvod i zaključak, to su: Utjecaj prirodno-geografskih faktora na razvoj Moslavine, Utjecaj društveno-geografskih faktora na razvoj Moslavine, Historijsko-geografski razvoj Moslavine, Moslavina u tranzicijskom razdoblju i Moslavina kao tema u nastavi. Kroz te su cjeline analizirana reljefna i klimatska obilježja prostora, demografski procesi te sastav i struktura stanovništva u pojedinim povijesnim razdobljima i recentno stanje. Dalje su prikazana najvažnija obilježja pojedinih historijsko-geografskih etapa razvoja Moslavine od prvih tragova naseljenosti pa do kraja 1990- ih godina. Novo poglavlje posvećeno je Moslavini u tranzicijskom razdoblju te suvremenoj Moslavini, a u tom su poglavlju izdvojeni problemi i potencijali razvoja Moslavine u budućnosti. Na kraju diplomskog rada pozornost je posvećena istraživanju sadržaja o Moslavini u nastavi predmeta Priroda i društvo te predmeta Geografija. Zaključno, zastupljenost sadržaja o Moslavini u nastavi odabrane osnovne i srednje škole jest zadovoljavajuća. The subject of this thesis' research is historical and geographical development of Moslavina. The thesis is based on the analysis and interpretation of professional and scientific literature as well as the analysis and processing of data sources. Next to introduction and conclusion, the content of this thesis is divided into five parts, namely: The influence of natural geographical factors on the development of Moslavina, The influence of socio-geographical factors on the development of Moslavina, Historical and geographical development of Moslavina, Moslavina in transition and Moslavina as a topic in teaching. These units offer the analyzed relief and climatic characteristics of the area, demographic processes as well as the composition and structure of the population in certain historical periods and recently. The most important features of certain historical and geographical stages of the development of Moslavina, from the first traces of population to the end of the 1990s, are presented below. Next chapter, however, is dedicated to Moslavina in the period of transition and modern Moslavina, pointing out the problems and potentials of Moslavina's development. The end of the thesis focuses on the research of the content about Moslavina in the teaching within the subjects Nature and Society and Geography. In conclusion, the presence of Moslavina related content in teaching, within the primary and secondary school chosen for the study, is satisfactory. |