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Skup Gaussovih cijelih brojeva označavamo sa \(\mathbb{Z}[i]=\{a+bi:a,b\in\}\) i on čini komutativni prsten s jedinicom s obzirom na zbrajanje i množenje kompleksnih brojeva. U radu se obrađuju standardne teme kao što su djeljivost, Gaussovi prosti brojevi, veza sa sumama kvadrata, Euklidov algoritam, jedinstvena faktorizacija, itd. Poseban je naglasak na vizualnim iterpretacijama i ilustracijama koje su izvedene pomoću \({GeoGebre}\). The set of Gaussian integers is denoted by \(\mathbb{Z}[i]=\{a+bi:a,b\in\}\) and it forms a commutative ring with the unit in regard to addition and multiplication of complex numbers. The thesis deals with standard topics such as divisibility, Gaussian prime numbers, connection to the sums of squares, Euclid's algorithm, unique factorization, etc. There is a special emphasis on the visual interpretations and illustrations that were performed using \({GeoGebra}\). |