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Zahvaljujući povoljnom smještaju u zaleđu metropolitanske regije Splita, Grad Sinj slovi kao oaza demografske stabilnosti u državi pogođenoj teškom demografskom krizom. U vrijeme novog masovnog vala iseljavanja stanovništva, gospodarske krize i nestabilnih Vlada, Sinj nije pokazivao negativne demografske trendove kao ostatak drţave. Međutim, procesi već odavno prisutni u zemlji zahvatili su i ovo područje stoga se ovaj rad bavi analizom trenutnog stanja predmeta istraţivanja te nastoji dati odgovor na pitanje jesu li odnedavno prisutni populacijski trendovi indikator budućeg demografskog sloma Sinja. Analizom prostornih i demografskih pokazatelja uočit će se glavni razvojni problemi, objasnit će se uzročno-posljedična veza demografskih trendova, obrazovne strukture, radne snage i gospodarskog razvoja. Temeljni cilj i svrha rada je kroz analizu trenutnog stanja predvidjeti buduća kretanja stanovništva te na temelju istih predložiti mjere obnove nužne za revitalizaciju prije svega ljudskog, a zatim i prirodnog potencijala ovog područja. With the help of its favorable position in the hinterland of the metropolitan area of Split, the town of Sinj is regarded as an oasis of demographic stability in a country hit by a severe demographic crisis. At the time of the new mass wave of emigration, the economic crisis and the unstable governments, Sinj did not show negative demographic trends as the rest of the state. However, the processes that have long been present in the country have also affected this area therefore this paper deals with the analysis of the current situation of the subject of research and tries to answer the question of whether the recent population trends are indicative of the future demographic breakdown of Sinj. By analyzing spatial and demographic indicators, major developmental problems will be identified, and a causal link between demographic trends, educational structure, labor force and economic development will be explained. The basic purpose of the work is to predict the future trends of the population through an analysis of the current situation and based on these, propose measures of renewal necessary for the revitalization of the human and natural potential of this area. |