Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of fine-grained sediment of the upper course in the Sava River and its tributaries
Autor: | Lučić, Mavro |
Přispěvatelé: | Vdović, Neda, Kniewald, Goran |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2019 |
Předmět: |
anthropogenic impact
udc:55(043.3) sediment provenance Geologija. Meteorologija. Hidrologija kemijsko trošenje Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology geokemijske značajke rijeka Sava porijeklo sedimenta uzorkovalo SPM-a geochemical characteristics chemical weathering NATURAL SCIENCES. Geology antropogeni utjecaj time integrated mass flux sampler Sava River PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Geologija |
Popis: | Rijeke imaju važnu ulogu u životu na Zemlji te čine važan prostor za proučavanje raznih utjecaja i procesa na mineralni i geokemijski sastav njihovih sedimenata. Među glavnima ističe se utjecaj litologije, kemijskog trošenja i erozije, hidrauličkog sortiranja i veličine čestica, te antropogeni utjecaj. Gornji tok rijeke Save karakterizira velika količina oborina, strme padine, te česta erozija materijala čime je utjecaj kemijskog trošenja sveden na minimum te prevladavaju procesi fizičkog trošenja i recikliranja. U takvim uvjetima modeliranje sastava izvorišnog materijala i kvantifikacija njegovih krajnjih članova pokazala se kao dobra metoda za bolje razumijevanje nastanka sedimenata. U kombinaciji s dijagramima koji se zasnivaju na teorijskoj osnovi, navedenom je metodom utvrđen prevladavajući doprinos kvartarnih sedimenata. U sklopu istraživanja prvi put su upotrijebljena pasivna uzorkovala za prikupljanje suspendiranog materijala u rijeci srednje veličine kakva je Sava. Prednost pasivnih uzorkovala je mogućnost prikupljanja značajnije količine uzorka, ali problem predstavljaju razdoblja jakog protoka pri kojima dolazi do gubitka najsitnijh čestica – Fe-Mn (oksi)hidroksida, minerala glina, organske tvari, čime se umanjuje reprezentativnost uzorka. Sastav površinskih voda rijeke Save odražava geološku podlogu, ali i antropogeni utjecaj. Većina analiziranih elemenata nema korelaciju s hidrološkim parametrima ili je ona slaba. Raspodjela antropogenih elemenata u sedimentima i tlima ukazala je na tri središta pod najvećim antropogenim opterećenjem: prvo područje vezano za je tvornicu čelika Acroni Jesenice, drugo obuhvaća područje Celja i proizvodnju cinka, dok je treće vezano za poljoprivredne aktivnosti i kanalizacijske ispuste okolice Zaprešića. Rivers have a key role in life on the Earth and make an important environment for the investigation of different processes and features that may impact the mineralogical and geochemical compostion of the fine-grained sediments. The most important impact derives from lithology, chemical weathering and erosion, hydrodynamic sorting, particle size and anthropogenic influence. The upper course of the Save River is characterized by a large amount of rainfall, steep slopes, and frequent erosion of the material, causing minimal influence of chemical weathering, and prevailing influence of physical weathering and recycling. In such conditions, sediment source modelling and its quantification turned out to be a good method for a better understanding sediment generation processes. The model, combined with theoretically based diagrams, led to the conclusion that Quaternary sediments contributes most to the sediment balance. This research also implemented a new sampling method – this was the first use of time integrated mass flux samplers (TIMS) for colleting the suspended particulate material (SPM) in medium sized river, such as the Sava River. The main advantage of TIMS is the possibility of collecting considerable amount of the SPM, but the problem occurs during flood events. High discharges cause loss of the finest sediment particles – Fe-Mn oxide/hydroxides, clay minerals, organic particles, by which the representativeness of the sample is diminished. The composition of surface water of the Sava River reflects the geological background, but also the anthropogenic influence. Vast majority of elements have no correlation with hydrological parameters, or very weak negative correlation. Spatial distribution of anthropogenic elements in soils and sediments pointed out three main areas under the anthropogenic pressure; the first one is related to steel factory Acroni at Jesenice, the second one includes Celje area and zinc production, while the third is related to agricultural activities and sewage discharges in Zaprešić area. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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