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U moderno doba bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava glavni su uzrok smrti na svijetu. Načine sprječavanja i tretmana tih bolesti moguće je pronaći kod životinja kojima su ono što mi nazivamo poremećajima često normalna, ali savršeno kontrolirana stanja. U ovom radu kao izvrstan primjer kontrole utjecaja ekstremnog krvnog tlaka na mnoge organske sustave opisujem žirafu, afričkog sisavca iznimno dugačkog vrata zbog kojeg je morala razviti razne mehanizme regulacije tlaka. Hipertrofija krvnih žila i srca, stanje koje je kod žirafe uobičajeno, kod ljudi je ozbiljan problem uglavnom nastao kao posljedica hipertenzije, visokog krvnog tlaka. Primjer žirafe ukazuje na to da je takva stanja moguće regulirati i spriječiti njihovu progresiju i oštećenja drugih organa, te bi se s daljnjim istraživanjima na tom području moglo napredovati u borbi protiv bolesti srca i krvnih žila. In the modern age, cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide. Ways of preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases can be found amongst various animals' cardiovascular conditions that, in a specific animal's body, are normal, but in human body are considered to be diseases. In this work as an excellent example of controlling the impact of an extremely high blood pressure on many organ systems I present giraffe, an African mammal with an extremely long neck which is the reason why giraffes developed various blood pressure regulation mechanisms. Heart and blood vessels' wall hypertrophy, the usual condition in giraffes, is considered to be a big problem in the human cardiovascular system and is usually a consequence of hypertension, high blood pressure. The giraffe example shows us that those kinds of conditions can be regulated and their progression and impact on other organs stopped. Further research in that area could help in the fight against cardiovascular diseases. |