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U radu je provedena geomorfološka analiza i sinteza geomorfoloških značajki šireg područja Bačić kuka. U sklopu analize ustanovljena su morfometrijska i morfografska obilježja istraživanog područja. Analiza morfometrijskih obilježja vršena je pomoću parametara dobivenih radom na digitalnom modelu reljefa u programu ArcGis 10.4 (ArcMap, ArcCatalog). Geomorfološka analiza obuhvaćala je obradu strukturnih obilježja reljefa te egzomorfoloških obilježja (krški reljef, padinski procesi, antropogeni reljef). Sinteza geomorfoloških značajki šireg područja Bačić kuka predočena je geomorfološkom kartom u mjerili 1:25000. In this paper geomorphological analysis and sinthesis of geomorphological features of the wider area of Bačić kuk was conducted. As part of the analysis morfometric and morfological characteristic was preformed usin the parameters generated by the digital terrain model in the program ArcGis 10.4 (ArcMap, ArcCatalog). Geomorpholagical analysis involved a proces of structual relief features and egzomorphological characteristics (karst relief, derasion processes and anthropogenic type of relief). Synthesis of geomorphological features of the wider area of Bačić kuk- central Velebit is presented by geomorphological map in scale 1: 25 000. |