Growth characteristic of softmouth trout Salmo obtusirostris (Heckel 1851) in the Vrljika River

Autor: Johović, Iva
Přispěvatelé: Zanella, Davor
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2012
Popis: U ovom radu obrađivane su značajke rasta mekousne (Salmo obtusirostris Heckel 1851.) Uzorci su sakupljani elektroagregatom snage 7.5 kW, cijelim tokom rijeke Vrljike kroz Hrvatsku, a glavnina je bila rađena na području od izvora do Kamenmosta. Analizirano je 212 jedinki, a ljuske su obrađene kod 56 jedinki. Određivani su dužinsko-maseni odnosi, indeksi kondicije i parametri rasta. Masa ulovljenih riba kretala se od 13 do 1804 grama, a standardna dužina od 99 do 495 mm. Rast se pokazivao izometričnim, a indeks kondicije bio je najveći tijekom srpnja i iznosio je 1.823. Von Bertalanffyeva jednadžba rasta dobivena je na osnovu dužinskih frekvencija pomoću računalnog programa LFDA 5. Performansa rasta iznosi 5.87. In this study, the growth characteristics of Softmouth trout (Salmo obtusirostris Heckel 1851, Acinopterygii, Salmonidae) from the Vrljika river were described. Samples were collected via electro-fishing and were arrived from all along the river; however most of the samples were taken from in between the rivers source and the bridge Kamenmost. 212 specimens were analyzed and fish scales from 56 specimens were processed. Lengthweight relationship, condtiion factor and parametres of growth were determined. The mass of the analyzed fish specimens ranged from 13 to 1804 grams, while the standard lenght ranged from 99 to 495 mm. The growth rate showed to be of izometric nature, while the contition factor was highest during June at a value of 1.823. Von Bertalanffy growth equation was obtained on the basis of length frequency, using the computer programe LFDA 5. The performance of growth is 5.87
Databáze: OpenAIRE