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Piretroidi su sintetski spojevi, pesticidnog djelovanja, dobiveni derivacijom prirodnih insekticida piretrina sadržanih u piretrumu. Budući da je dokazano da piretroidi mogu djelovati kao endokrini disruptori, cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj prenatalne peroralne izloženosti piretroidu αcipermetrinu na parametre endokrine disrupcije reprodukcije majki te parametre endokrine disrupcije razvoja i reprodukcije ženskih potomaka F1 generacije. Skotne Wistar štakorice izlagane su αcipermetrinu u dozama od 1, 10 i 19 mg/kg tj. m./dan (1 mL/dan, per os) od 6. dana graviditeta do okota. Usporedno su uspostavljene skupine negativne kontrole (voda), kontrole otapala (kukuruzno ulje) i pozitivne kontrole (dietilstilbestrol, 10 µg/kg tj. m./dan). Parametri endokrine disrupcije reprodukcije praćeni su u majki štakorica pri okotu, a u ženskih potomaka F1 generacije praćeni su parametri endokrine disrupcije razvoja i reprodukcije do puberteta sukladno odgovarajućim OECD protokolima. Tijekom gestacije izmjerene su tjelesne mase majki i potrošnja hrane. Određene su razine steroidnih hormona u serumu ženskih potomaka u pubertetu imunokemijskom metodom ELISA Peroralna izloženost α-cipermetrinu tijekom gestacije ne utječe na reprodukciju majki i na razvoj i reprodukciju ženskih potomaka F1 generacije, kao ni na razine steroidnih hormona u pubertetu. Pyrethroids are synthetic compounds, with pesticidal action, obtained by derivation of natural pyrethrin insecticides contained in pyrethrum. Since it has been proven that pyrethroids can act as endocrine disruptors, this work aimed to investigate the effects of prenatal oral exposure to the pyrethroid αcypermethrin on the endocrine disruption parameters of maternal reproduction and the endocrine disruption parameters of F1 female offspring development and reproduction. Pregnant Wistar rats were exposed to α- cypermethrin in doses of 1, 10, and 19 mg/kg b.w./day (1 mL/day, per os) from the 6 th day of pregnancyuntil delivery. Groups of negative control (water), solvent control (corn oil), and positive control (diethylstilbestrol, 10 µg/kg b.w./day) were established concurrently. The parameters of endocrine disruption of reproduction were monitored in mothers at delivery, and in F1 female offspring the parameters of endocrine disruption of development and reproduction were monitored until puberty following the appropriate OECD protocols. During gestation, maternal body mass and food consumption were measured. Levels of steroid hormones in the serum of pubertal female offspring were determined using immunochemical method ELISA. Oral exposure to α-cypermethrin during pregnancy does not affect the reproduction of mothers and the development and reproduction of F1 female offspring as well as the levels of steroid hormones in puberty. |