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Špilja Samograd nalazi se u Pećinskom parku Grabovača u Perušiću u Lici. Ulaz u špilju nalazi se u urušnoj ponikvi. Dno ponikve, zbog dubine i postojanja špilje, ima posebnu mikroklimu što se odrazilo i na sastav vegetacije koja ju obrasta. Memorijskim termohigrografom i termografom – svjetlomjerom mjereni su temperatura, relativna vlažnost zraka, temperatura rosišta i insolacija, u smjeru pružanja špilje na različitim dubinama i ekspozicijama, da bi se dobio mikroklimatski profil ponikve. Popis flore napravljen je tokom proljeća/ljeta 2012. godine. Na području Samograda razlikuju se tri mikroklimatološka sustava: špilja, ponikva i okolno područje. S udaljavanjem od špiljskog utjecaja u ponikvi se povećaju temperatura zraka i insolacija, a relativna vlažnost zraka smanjuje. Popisano je 111 biljnih svojti, od kojih većina pripada porodici Lamiaceae. Raspodjela biljnih svojti odgovara mikroklimatološkoj strukturi ponikve te se razdvajaju tri različite zone: ulazni dio u špilju, ostatak ponikve i okolno područje. Cave Samograd is situated in Cave Park Grabovača in Perušić in Lika. The entrance to the cave is in the collapsed doline. The bottom of the doline, because of its depth and existence of the cave, has a special microclimate which is reflected in its vegetation cover. The temperature, relative humidity, soil moisture and insolation were measured in the area of Samograd using data loggers, which were positioned so that they are in line with the stretching direction of the cave, but on different depths and expositions, so as to get microclimatic profile of the doline. Flora inventory was made during spring/summer 2012. There are three microclimatological systems in the area of Samograd: the cave, the doline, and the surrounding area. With increasing distance from the influence of the cave, temperature and insolation are rising inside the doline, but relative humidity is dropping. 111 plant taxa have been listed, from which most belong to the family of Lamiaceae. The distribution of plant taxa corresponds to microclimatic structure of the doline and is divided in three different zones: entrance area of the cave, area of the doline without entrance, and the surrounding area. |