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A través de la lectura se les ofrece a los estudiantes elementos esenciales que les ayudará a desarrollar su creatividad y una perspectiva diferente de pensamiento en cuanto a que pueden comprender más acerca de su cultura, de su entorno, dándole más importancia y valor al esfuerzo por comprender el mundo que los rodea y las expectativas que tienden a tener en cuanto a querer ser personas diferentes. La lectura además de ser un buen habito porque desarrolla habilidades y capacidades, mejora la capacidad intelectual de las personas, así como también provoca un disfrute, placer, motivación y sobre todo liberación de la mente para producir nuevas idas, pensamientos, sentimientos, dar valor y significado a lo que experimenta, piensa o sienta. Con el desarrollo del taller de lectura de cuentos infantiles se pretende desarrollar competencias comunicativas y habilidades del pensamiento crítico, para que los estudiantes elaboraron juicios basados en criterios, sin perder de vista el contexto y con la capacidad de cuestionarse y autocorregirse. Through reading, students are offered essential elements that will help them develop their creativity and a different perspective. essential elements that will help them to develop their creativity and a different perspective of thinking in that they can understand more about their culture, their perspective in that they can understand more about their culture, their environment, giving more importance and value to the effort to understand the world around them and the expectations they have of the world around them. more importance and value to the effort to understand the world around them and the expectations that they tend to have in terms of wanting to be and the expectations they tend to have in terms of wanting to be different people. Reading, besides being a good habit because it develops skills and abilities, improves the intellectual capacity of people, as well as the intellectual capacity of the people, as well as it also provokes enjoyment, pleasure, motivation and, above all, liberation of the mind to above all, liberation of the mind to produce new ideas, thoughts, feelings, to give value and meaning to what is experienced and meaning to what you experience, think or feel. With the development of the children's story reading workshop, we intend to develop communicative competences and critical thinking skills. skills and critical thinking skills, so that the students will elaborate judgments based on criteria, without losing sight of the without losing sight of the context and with the ability to question and self-correct. self-correction Licenciado en Lengua Castellana y Literatura Pregrado |