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Kohalik omavalitsus peab kontrollima ehitusprojektide vastavust detailplaneeringutes ja projekteerimistingimustes esitatud nõuetele nii ehitus- kui ka kasutuslubade andmise menetluse käigus. Käesoleva uurimistöö eesmärgiks on hinnata Tartu Linnavalitsuse praktikat uute hoonete ehitusprojektide mittevastavuse osas detailplaneeringutes ja projekteerimistingimustes esitatud nõuetele. Eesmärgi täitmiseks kirjeldati aastatel 2007 – 2011 kasutusloa saanud uute hoonete ehitusprojektide mittevastavusi detailplaneeringutes ja projekteerimistingimustes esitatud nõuetele ning otsiti vastust küsimusele, miks vastuolusid lubati. Andmeid saadi ehitus- ja kasutuslubade väljastamise korraldustest, ehitusprojektidest, detailplaneeringutest, projekteerimistingimustest ja läbiviidud kolmest intervjuust. Andmete analüüsi tehnikana kasutati nii dokumentide analüüsi kui ka transkribeeritud intervjuude analüüsi tehnikat. Dokumentide analüüs viidi läbi tabelarvutusprogrammis Excel. Töö tulemusena leiti 245-st ehitusprojektist vastuolusid 54 ehitusprojektis. Intervjuudest selgus, et ehitusprojektide vastuolusid detailplaneeringutes ja projekteerimistingimustes esitatud nõuetega on Tartu Linnavalitsus lubanud siis, kui: a) ehitusprojektis olev lahendus ei lähe vastuollu ühiskondliku kokkuleppega ja on ümbruskonda sobiv või muudab hoone ökonoomsemaks; b) naabrusõigused ja avalikud huvid jäävad kaitstuks ning kui c) detailplaneering on vananenud või vigadega. Ehituslubade väljastamise korralduste läbivaatamise tulemusena leiti vaid kolm ehitusloa väljastamise korraldust, milles olid kirjas ehitusprojektide vastuolud detailplaneeringutega ning vastuolude lubamise põhjused. See näitab, et Tartu Linnavalitsus ei ole pidanud vajalikuks enamikesse ehituslubade väljastamise korraldustesse kirja panna ehitusprojektide mittevastavusi detailplaneeringute ja projekteerimistingimustega ning nende lubamise põhjuseid ning maavanem ei ole teostanud piisavalt kontrolli ehituslubade andmise üle. Magistritöö autor näeb edasise uurimise võimalusena kontrollida ka laiendatud ja rekonstrueeritud hoonete ehitusprojektide vastavust detailplaneeringutes ja projekteerimistingimustes esitatud nõuetele. The local government has to check construction projects` conformity with detailed plans and with the design criteria for buildings during the procedure of issuing building and building occupancy permits. The aim of this master`s thesis is to analyse Tartu City Government`s practice with buildings` construction projects` non-conformity with detailed plans and with the design criteria for buildings. To reach the aim, the nonconformities found in the buildings` construction projects which had gotten building occupany permits during the period 2007-2011, were described. Also, what was being searched for was the question why these non-conformities were allowed. The data was collected from building permits and building occupancy permits` issued orders, detailed plans, design criteria for buildings and from three interviews with Tartu City Government officials. The methods used for analysing data were documentation analysis and transcribed interviews analysis. Documentation analysis was performed in Excel. As a result of the research it appears that out of the 245 construction projects checked, there are 54 projects which have non-conformities. The interviews show that Tartu City Government has autohorized non-conformities, if: a) the proposed solution in the construction projects did not conflict with social contract and was suitable in the surroundings or made a building more economical; b) neighbourhood rights and public interests were protected and c) the detailed plan was outdated or with errors. From reviewing the building permits` issued orders, there were only three building permits issued orders where the construction projects` non-conformities with detailed plans and the reasons why these were authorized had been noted. This shows that Tartu City Government has not found it necessary to mark non-conformities with detailed plans and design criteria for buildings, as well as the reasons why they were authorized in most of the building permits` issued orders, which proves that the county governor has not performed enough control over the building permits. The author of this master`s thesis suggests that as a continuation to this thesis, further study could be carried out that would check the construction projects, which have gotten building permits for extension or reconstruction. |