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Final Thesis Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine Biosecurity in dairy cattle herds plays an important role in preventing the introduction and spread of infectious diseases and improving the herd health status. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the implementation of external and internal biosecurity measures on the Finnish dairy cattle herds in Pielavesi, Keitele and Vesanto regions in North Savonia by using Biocheck.UGent™ scoring tool. Possible associations between farm biosecurity scores, herd size, and farm type were also analysed. Moreover, the aim was to obtain practical experience in the implementation of the Biocheck.UGent™ questionnaire. Altogether, the implementation of biosecurity measures of 20 dairy cattle herds was assessed by using quantative biosecurity assessment tool, Biocheck.UGent™. The obtained data was analysed by using descriptive statistics and linear regression analysis. The total biosecurity (BS) score was on average 57.0 %, SD (standard deviation) = 4.7. The external BS score was on average 75.8 %, SD = 7.8. The internal BS score was on average 37.4%, SD = 4.1. Larger farms (≥106 cows) had higher scores in their internal BS measures (p = 0.099). Freestall farms had somewhat higher total (p = 0.084), internal (p = 0.140) and external BS scores (p = 0.168) than tiestall farms. During interviewing, some complicating questions were identified. Participated farms scored higher than the worldwide average.The biosecurity tool has been implemented for example in Belgium, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia and Portugal and there is a wide variation of BS levels across the farms. Freestall farms had somewhat better biosecurity levels compared to the tiestall farms. The thesis outlines the questions in Biocheck.UGent™ questionnaire that were difficult for the Finnish dairy cattle farmers to answer. In future studies, it would be important to analyze the associations between the farm BS scores and herd health parameters to motivate farmers to implement more BS measures. Bioturvalisusel on oluline roll nakkushaiguste karja toomise ennetamisel, seal leviku tõkestamisel ja karja tervise parendamisel. Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli uurida välis- ja sisebioturvalisuse meetmete rakendamist Soomes, Põhja-Savo maakonnas asuvates Pielavesi, Keitele ja Vesanto piirkondade piimakarjades kasutades Biocheck.UGent™ hindamismeetodit. Samuti analüüsiti võimalikke seoseid farmi bioturvalisuse taseme, karja suuruse ja farmi tüübi vahel. Ka oli töö eesmärgiks saada praktiline kogemus Biocheck.UGent™ hindamismeetodi kasutamise osas. Lõputöö jaoks viidi läbi 20 piimakarja bioturvalisuse hindamine kasutades kvantitatiivset Biocheck.UGent™ hindamismeetodit. Andmeanalüüs teostati kirjeldavat statistikat ja lineaarseid regressioonimudeleid kasutades. Farmide keskmine üldine bioturvalisuse (BS) skoor oli 57,0 %, standardhälve (SD) = 4,7. Farmide välisbioturvalisuse keskmine skoor oli 75,8 %, SD = 7,8. Sisebioturvalisuse keskmine skoor oli 37,4 %, SD = 4,1. Suurematel farmidel (≥106 lehma) oli kõrgem sisebioturvalisuse skoor (p = 0,099). Vabapidamislautadel oli mõnevõrra kõrgem üldine (p = 0,084), sise- (p = 0,140) ja välisbioturvalisuse skoor (p = 0,168) kui lõaspidamislautadel. Intervjuude käigus selgusid mõned küsimused, millele farmeritel oli keeruline vastata. Uuritud Soome piimakarjade BS tase oli üldiselt kõrgem võrreldes mujal riikides (Belgia, Kõrgõzstan, Põhja-Makedoonia ja Portugal) registreerituga, siiski on karjade BS tasemete osas suur varieeruvus. Vabapidamislautadel oli mõnevõrra parem bioturvalisuse tase kui lõaspidamislautadel. Lõputöös on välja toodud need Biocheck.UGent™ küsimused, millele Soome piimatootjatel oli raske vastata. Edasistes uuringutes oleks vajalik tuvastada seosed farmide bioturvalisuse taseme ja karja tervisealaste näitajate vahel motiveerimaks farmereid neid enam rakendama. |