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Bakalaureusetöö Metsanduse õppekaval Erametsanduse toetamiseks on riik loonud tugisüsteemi, mille oluline osa on metsaühistud. Metsaühistute tegevuse paremaks toimimiseks ja metsaühistute liikmete arvu suurendamiseks on tarvis teada, milliseid teenuseid praegused ja võimalikud tulevased liikmed ühistult ootavad. Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärk on uurida, kuidas on metsaomanikud rahul metsaühistute pakutavate teenustega ning milliseid muudatusi tuleks tugisüsteemis teha. Uurimistöös kasutatakse kvalitatiiv-kvantitatiiv analüüsimeetodit. Lõputöö andmete kogumiseks viidi metsaomanike seas läbi küsitlus ning intervjueeriti metsaühistute juhatuse liikmeid. Küsitlusele vastas 102 metsaomanikku ning intervjueeriti 5 metsaühistu juhatuse liiget. Küsitluse käigus paluti metsomanikel hinnata ühistu pakutavaid teenuseid 5-palli süsteemis ja kommenteerida muid metsaühistuga seonduvaid aspekte. Uurimistöö tulemused näitavad, et metsaomanikud on üldjoontes rahul pakutavate teenustega. Kõikide teenuste keskmine hinne on 4,3. Kõige olulisemad teenused metsaomanike jaoks on metsaomanike nõustamine, toetuste taotlemine ja puidu ühismüügi korraldamine. Kogutud vastuste põhjal selgus, et põhilised probleemid erametsanduse tugisüsteemis on informatsiooni kättesaadavus, metsaühistute usaldusväärsus ning nende tegevuse läbipaistvus. To support private forestry, the state has created a support system. Forest cooperatives are one of the most important parts of this support system. In order to improve the activities of forest cooperatives and increase the number of members, it is necessary to conduct research on what services current and potential future members expect from the cooperative. The aim of this dissertation is to study how forest owners are satisfied with the services provided by cooperatives and what changes should be made in the support system. The research is based on qualitative-quantitative analysis method. In order to collect the data, a survey was conducted among forest owners and five members of the board of forest associations were interviewed. 102 forest owners responded to the survey. During the survey, forest owners were asked to evaluate the services offered by the association in a 5-point system and to comment on other aspects related to the forest association. The results of the research show that forest owners are generally satisfied with the services provided. The average rating for all services is 4,3. The most important services for forest owners are advising forest owners, applying for subsidies and organizing joint sales of timber. Based on the collected answers, it became clear that the main problems in the support system are the availability of information, the reliability of forest cooperatives and the transparency of their activities. |