
Autor: Giaglis, George, Dionysopoulos, Lambis, Charalambous, Marianna, Ntouzgou, Aliki, Damvakeraki, Tonia, Anania, Alexi, Chomczyk Penedo, Andrès, Szego, Daniel, More, Íñigo, Arribas, Ismael, Karasek-Wojciechowicz, Iwona, Bandman, Jeff, Mason, Jim, ter Maten, Jolanda, Gonzalez-Miranda, Sergio, Loesch, Stefan
Přispěvatelé: Faculty of Law and Criminology, Metajuridica, Law Science Technology and Society
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: This is the ninth of a series of reports that will be published addressing selected topics in accordance with the European Commission priorities. The aim of this report is to explain what is the metaverse and why it has generated so much debate lately. It also explains the technological drivers that have made it possible and its potential use cases, before providing a vision for a future characterized by open, user-owned, and interoperable virtual worlds, also known as the Open Metaverse.
Databáze: OpenAIRE