Contemporary management and the benefits of its implementation in educational organizations in the Republic of Macedonia

Autor: Barakoska, Aneta, Rizova, Elena, Stojanovska, Vera
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju
Popis: Current development and progress of management is not just a trend, but an actual need. New times are demanding new types of schools which demand principals with new competences - management competences, true leadership skills, who will be capable of pursuing the school mission and have a vision for its future development. The question is: What are the internal relations and concordances between education and management? Which is their alternate bond which is specific for their mutuality? In this paper are presented theoretical and empirical notions from one research about advantages of establishing the contemporary concept of management in primary education in the Republic of Macedonia. For that purpose, teachers and principals from ten schools in Skopje were asked to give their opinions and attitudes regarding this issue. Through descriptive analyses from the posed questions we got information for positive or negative influence of establishing management in primary education. The conclusions are pointing out that management is not realized fully, but still has its influence and significance and is in function with improving the school work. There are a lot of advantages that are affecting successful functioning of educational institutions, which were pointed out by the principals and teachers in the sample of this research. V Republiki Makedoniji je napredek korakov, ki vodijo k sodobnemu sistemu vodenja izobraževalnih institucij, za zdaj skromen, vendar vidno teži k sodobnemu menedžmentu. Ta proces uvajanja menedžmenta poteka v več fazah, med katerimi so: spreminjanje zavesti za vključevanje menedžmenta, spreminjanje zakonov in druge zakonodaje za spodbujanje menedžerjev kot ključnih verižnih členov v procesu vodenja, evalvacija in stimulacija dela menedžerjev, sprejemanje menedžmenta kot poklica z velikim pomenom za boljšo uspešnost izobraževalnih institucij. V sestavku so predstavljeni teoretični in empirični nazori iz ene od raziskav o prednostih vzpostavljanja sodobnega pojmovanja upravljanja v osnovnem šolstvu Republike Makedonije. Raziskava je tako kvalitativne kot kvantitativne narave. Ugotovitve kažejo, da se menedžment ne uresničuje v celoti, vendar ima vseeno vpliv in je pomemben ter z delovanjem izboljšuje delo šol.
Databáze: OpenAIRE