The impact of the application of polycentric knee modules on balance control and the level of mobility in trans-femoral amputation: Vpliv uporabe policentričnih kolenskih modulov na nadzor ravnotežja in pomičnost pacientov po nadkolenski amputaciji

Autor: Beg, Nedjeljko, Dragović, Miro, Gluhak, Damir, Habuš, Rosarija, Lončarić, Iva, Ružić, Vedran, Tomašević, Maja
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Rehabilitacija (Ljubljana)
Popis: Introduction: The aim of prosthetics supply after trans-femoral amputation is restitution of body structure with the new biomechanical unit - a prosthesis constructed according to the needed level of stability and mobility. Technical performance of the modular solutions is in the focus of recent studies, but they lack information on the practical application and the impact of modular solutions on body functions. This paper reports on the influence of a polycentric knee module compared to the single-axis prosthetic knee on maintaining postural balance, mobility and independence in people with unilateral trans-femoral amputation. Methods: In the Department of Rehabilitation and Orthopaedics Aids of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, an analysis of patients' functions data was carried out in order to determine changes in balance and mobility when using polycentric knee module as opposed to prosthetic supply with a single-axis knee module. The data were collected by assessing the patients at our Department before and during secondary prosthetic supply in the period from 2012 to 2015. Mobility and balance were tested with the Amputee Mobility Predictor (AMP) test with Medicare functional classification level, Berg's Balance Scale (BBS), Timed Up and Go (TUG) and 10-meter walk test. Results: A statistically significant difference was found regarding the TUG and 10-meter walk test between the patients with single axis knee compared to polycentric knee; the latter were faster on average. The average level of mobility according to AMP scoring was statistically significantly higher with the application of polycentric knee. Correspondingly, 10 of the 15 patients moved from lower to higher K-level according to Medicare functional classification level. The BBS results were also statistically significantly in favour of the polycentric knee module. Conclusion: Polycentric knee module for people with trans-femoral amputation allows better control of balance and speed as well as greater mobility in comparison with single-axis knee. For patients with trans-femoral amputation it thus provides a higher level of independence in activities of daily living. Uvod: Namen oskrbe s protezo po nadkolenski amputaciji je zamenjava telesne strukture z biomehansko enoto - protezo, izdelano glede na zahtevano raven stabilnosti in pomičnosti. V zadnjem času se raziskave osredotočajo na tehnične značilnosti posameznih delov tovrstnih protez, ni pa podatkov o praktični uporabnosti in vplivu modularnih rešitev na telesne funkcije. V članku poročamo o vplivu policentričnega kolenskega modula v primerjavi z enoosnim protetičnim kolenom na vzdrževanje ravnotežja, pomičnost in neodvisnost pri pacientih po enostranski nadkolenski amputaciji. Metode: Na Oddelku za rehabilitacijo in ortopedske pripomočke Univerzitetne bolnišnice Zagreb smo analizirali podatke o telesnih funkcijah pacientov z namenom ugotoviti spremembe ravnotežja in pomičnosti pri uporabi policentričnega kolenskega modula namesto proteze z enoosnim kolenskim modulomPodatke smo zbrali z ocenjevanjem pacientov na našem Oddelku pred in po sekundarni oskrbi s protezo v obdobju od leta 2012 do 2015. Pomičnost in ravnotežje smo ocenili z Lestvico za napoved izida rehabilitacije po amputaciji spodnjega uda (Amputee Mobility Predictor, AMP) in pripadajočo ravnijo funkcioniranja po razvrstitvi Medicare, Bergovo lestvico za oceno ravnotežja, časovno merjenim testom vstani in pojdi in testom hitrosti hoje na 10 metrov. Rezultati: Na časovno merjenem testu vstani in pojdi ter testu hitrosti hoje na 10 metrov se je pokazala statistično značilna razlika med skupinama, pri čemer so bili pacienti s policentričnim kolenskim modulom v povprečju hitrejši. Povprečna raven pomičnosti glede na AMP je bila statistično značilno višja pri pacientih s policentričnim kolenskim modulom; v razvrstitvi Medicare jih je na višjo raven napredovalo 10 od 15. Tudi dosežki na Bergovi lestvici ravnotežja so statistično značilno pričali v prid policentričnega kolenskega modula. Zaključek: Policentrični kolenski modul osebam po nadkolenski amputaciji omogoča boljši nadzor ravnotežja ter večjo hitrost gibanja in boljšo pomičnost v primerjavi z enoosno kolensko protezo. Pacientom po nadkolenski amputaciji tako omogoča večjo samostojnost pri dnevnih aktivnostih.
Databáze: OpenAIRE