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The temptation of fundamentalism is present in all religions, world views and political orientations. Is is the conviction to be in exclusive possession of truth and the rejection of modern principles of pluralism, tolerance, relativism and secularisation. Among the reasons for the special susceptibility of islam to fundamentalism, the author states the specific cultural-social situation of islam (there has been no process of enlightenment). Among the theological-philosophical motives are: the understanding of the revelation (verbal inspiration; the emphasis on the "letter" of the Koran) and the refusal of any critical philosophical reflection (in its core the theology shrinks to legal science). Islam remains closely and exclusively connected to Arabic culture and language. Therefore islamic theology has not experienced any inculturation. Fundamentalism id also inflamed by the western fundamental and general "dogma" of radical individualism and subjectivism in the conception of truth. Skušnjava fundamentalizma je navzoča v vseh verstvih, svetovnih nazorih in političnih usmetitvah. Gre za prepričanje o izključni posesti resnice in za odklanjanje modernih načel pluralizma, strpnosti, relativizma in sekularizacije. Med vzroki za to, da je islam še posebej dovzeten za fundamentalizem, navajam specifičen kulturno-družbeni položaj islama (odsotnost procesa razsvetljenstva). Med teološko-filozofski motivi pa so: razumevanje razodetja (verbalna inspiracija; poudarjanje "črke" Korana) ter odklanjanje kritičnega filozofskega premisleka (teologija je v jedru skrčena na pravno znanost). Islam ostaja najtesneje povezan izključno z arabsko kulturo in jezikom. Zato islamska teologija vse do danes ni doživela nikakršne inkulturacije. Netivo fundamentalizma je tudi zahodna temeljna in vsesplošna "dogma" radikalnega individualizma in subjektivizma v dojemanju resnice. |