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The aim of this article is to present a systematic literature review of literature reviews (a meta-study) of gamification topics in e-learning with a purpose to present a high-level overview of the state of the development of the selected field. The systematic literature review of literature reviews (2010 -2019) was performed. The academic papers (literature reviews) from several academic databases such as DOAJ, ScienceDirect, Google Sholar and WOS were examined and filtered for further study. The selected articles were analysed for sub-topics (e.g. the efficiency of gamification mechanisms) and summarized. In last 5 years, the research of gamification in various fields (mobile apps, e-health, human resource management, business development, e-learning) is getting traction and the number of research articles and systematic reviews of research articles is increasing. After filtering literature review articles, we have found out that only a handful of them -19, which summarizes 2631 studies, are directly related to gamification in e-learning. This study shows that the following gamification mechanisms in e-learning proved themselves efficient in almost all underlying studies, but there is no broad consensus on terminology and how to group of different gamification related concepts. Namen tega članka je predstaviti sistematičen pregled literature o pregledih literature (meta-študija) o igrifikacijskih temah v e-učenju z namenom predstaviti pregled na visoki ravni stanja razvoja izbranega področja. Opravljen je bil sistematičen pregled literature o pregledih literature (2010-2019). Študijski prispevki (pregledi literature) iz več akademskih baz podatkov, kot so DOAJ, ScienceDirect, Google Sholar in WOS, so bili pregledani in filtrirani za nadaljnji študij. Izbrani članki so bili analizirani po podtemah (npr. učinkovitost mehanizmov igrifikacije) in povzeti. V zadnjih petih letih so bile opravljene raziskave o igrifikaciji na različnih področjih (mobilne aplikacije, e-zdravje, upravljanje s človeškimi viri, razvoj poslovanja, e-učenje), število raziskovalnih člankov in sistematičnih pregledov raziskovalnih člankov se povečuje. Po filtriranju preglednih člankov o literaturi smo ugotovili, da jih je le peščica (19), ki povzema 2.631 študij, neposredno povezanih z igrifikacijo v e-učenju. Ta študija kaže, da so se mehanizmi igrifikacije v e-učenju izkazali za učinkovite v skoraj vseh študijah, vendar ni širokega soglasja glede terminologije in načina razvrščanja različnih konceptov, povezanih z igrifikacijo. |