Conflict resolution strategy in the North Caucasus: underlying concepts and theoretical issues

Autor: Popov, Maksim Evgen'evič
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Teorija in praksa
Popis: The article reviews the present state of interdisciplinary analysis of the conflict resolution strategy in the North Caucasus. The goal of the research is to analyse the underlying theoretical concepts, constructive methods and peacebuilding strategies for resolving ethnic tensions in the region. The collapse of the USSR, the "sovereignisation" of ethno-political subjects of the Russian Federation, the destruction of social and economic relations, strengthening of ethnonationalistic tendencies and religious fundamentalism have been significant factors in the imbalanced position held by the Russian regions, their disintegration of all-Russian space. This article explores the main theoretical approaches to the study of conflict resolution strategy from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives. It argues that a conflict resolution strategy as a civil integration resource is tool needed to overcome the deep-rooted ethnic conflicts in the unstable North Caucasus. V članku pregledamo trenutno stanje interdisciplinarne analize strategije reševanja konfliktov na Severnem Kavkazu. Cilj raziskave je analizirati temeljne teoretske koncepte, konstruktivne metode in strategije izgradnje miru za reševanje etničnih napetosti v regiji. Razpad ZSSR, "suverenizacija" etno-političnih subjektov Ruske federacije, uničenje družbeno-političnih odnosov, krepitev etno-nacionalističnih tendenc, verski fundamentalizem so bili pomembni dejavniki neravnovesij v položaju ruskih regij in dezintegracije vseruskega prostora. V članku raziščemo glavne teoretske pristope k raziskovanju strategije reševanja konfliktov z različnih interdisciplinarnih perspektiv. Trdimo, da je strategija reševanja konfliktov kot vir družbene integracije nujno orodje za premagovanje globoko zakoreninjenih etničnih konfliktov na nestabilnem Severnem Kavkazu.
Databáze: OpenAIRE