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The collapse of the self-tolerance mechanisms leads to the development of autoimmunity and the onset of various autoimmune diseases. Currently the attention to find the reasons for the observed altered immunoreactivity of thelymphocytes and antigens is focused not only on the known genetic and immunological factors, fluctuations in the hormone state and environmental triggers, but also directly on the antibody structure. It was proposed that the alteration in their basic structure can also occur due to the oxidative environment in and outside of the body. Such oxidation changes in constant andvariable regions can modify three-dimensional structure of antibodies, affecting their effector functions and altering their binding affinity towardsbody s own-proteins. Porušenje mehanizmov tolerance do lastnega vodi do avtoimunosti in razvoja avtoimunskih bolezni. Znani vzroki za spremenjeno imunoreaktivnost limfocitov in antigenov so genetskega ali imunskega izvora, nihanje hormonskega statusa ali posledica vpliva okolja. Področje raziskovanja se v zadnjem času usmerjane posredno na molekule protiteles in na spremembe v njihovi osnovni strukturi, ki so posledica delovanja oksidativnega okolja v telesu ali izven njega. Oksidacijske spremembe v konstantnih in variabilnih strukturnih regijah molekul protiteles vodijo do spremembe njihove tridimenzionalne zgradbe, kar vpliva na efektorske funkcije in spremeni afiniteto vezave tudi na telesu lastne proteine. |