Mechanical and microstructural properties of duplex steel: Mikrostruktura in mehanske lastnosti dupleks jekel

Autor: Gojić, Mirko, Kosec, Ladislav, Vehovar, Leopold
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Kovine zlitine tehnologije
Popis: In this work mechanical properties and microstructure of duplex steel after heat treatment are shown. Heat treatment of the steel consisted of water quenching from 1050°C. A ferrite-austenite microstructure was obtained and the brittle ?$\sigma$?-phase was avoided. The results show that the impact energy depends on the direction of rolling. In rolling direction the share of ferrite and austenite was approximately equal. V članku so opisani rezultati raziskav mikrostrukture in mehanskih lastnosti dupleks jekel po gašenju v vodi s 1050°C. Na ta način je jeklo dobilo mikrostrukturo iz ferita in austenita in brey krhke ?$\sigma$?-faze. Rezultati kažejo, da je udarna energija odvisna od smeri valjanja. Na vzdolžnem prerezu cevi sta deleža ferita in austenita približno enaka.
Databáze: OpenAIRE