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Recent intensive research activity on beetles of conservation importance across Europe provided new knowledge also about their distribution ranges. In the contribution the list of species from appendices of Habitat directive occuring in Slovenia is revised. The revision listed 20 species for Slovenia belonging to 13 families: Rhysodidae, Carabidae, Dytiscidae, Leiodidae, Elateridae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Lucanidae, Bolboceratidae, Scarabaeidae, Cucujidae, Meleandrydae and Bostrichidae. In the paper the proposal of Slovenian nomenclature, the overview of species biology and ecology and current knowledge over species status and occurrence in Slovenia is given. According to recent studies the overview of methods for species detection and sampling is provided. The general aim of the study is to stimulate research of considered species in Slovenia, since they are mainly poorly known and studied species. Intenzivnejše raziskave izbranih varstveno pomembnih vrst hroščev po Evropi sodala nova znanja, ki spreminjajo tudi meje razširjenosti posameznih vrst. V prispevku je podana revizija seznama varstveno pomembnih vrst hroščev s seznamov prilog Direktive EU o habitatih, ki se pojavljajo v Sloveniji. Nov seznam tako obsega 20 vrst iz družin Rhysodidae, Carabidae, Dytiscidae, Leiodidae, Elateridae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Lucanidae, Bolboceratidae, Scarabaeidae, Cucujidae, Meleandrydae in Bostrichidae, s pregledom in predlogislovenskih imen, pregledom biologije in ekologije vrst ter trenutnim poznavanjem statusa in pojavljanja v Sloveniji. Glede na novejše slovenske in tuje raziskave so zbrane tudi metode detekcije oziroma vzorčenja vrst. Namen prispevka je spodbuditi raziskovanje obravnavanih vrst v Sloveniji, saj gre večinoma za izredno pomanjkljivo poznane vrste. |