Uredniška politika in formalne lastnosti razpravnih besedil Slavistične revije med letoma 1948 in 1977: Uroš Bonšek ... et al

Autor: Bizjak, Andreja, Bonšek, Uroš, Huber, Damjan, Ledinek, Nina, Lutar, Mateja, Volk, Magda
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Slavistična revija
ISSN: 1948-1977
Popis: The article attempts to show the methodology of linguistic and literary scholarship in Slavistična revija between 1948 and 1977 and how (considering the practice of the current scholarly writing) the formal characteristics of its scholarly papers were changing. The author also examines the degree to which the articles in the journal in this thirty-year period follow the concept of the journal articulated in the first issue of volume I, and whether or not to what extent the concept of individual volumes and issues was unfluenced by the editorial policy (i.e., by the composition of the editorial board and/or by the editor-in-chief). V članku razpravljamo glede na prakso znanstvenega pisanja danes spreminjanje formalnih lastnosti zlasti razpravnih besedilv Slavistični reviji v letoh 1948-1977. Ugotavljamo, v kolikšni meri prispevki v reviji v pregledanem tridestletnem obdobju sledijo konceptu revije, ki je bil predstavljen v prvi številki letnika I, ali je na koncept posameznih letnikov in številk revije vplivala uredniška politika (glede na sestavo uredniških odborov oziroma odgovornega urednika).
Databáze: OpenAIRE