Morski datlji? Ne, hvala!: a case study on strategic nature conservation communication: Date mussels? No, thank you!: primer strateškega komuniciranja varstva narave

Autor: Trampuš, Tina
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Varstvo narave
Popis: Date mussel (Lithophaga lithophaga) is a protected bivalve species. Its conservation, however, has proven ineffective in practice so far. The illegal conduct by various stakeholders, including consumers, restaurant owners and smugglers, is closely associated with the problem of date mussel harvesting, which threatens biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea. Within the framework of the project Date Mussels? No, Thank You!, a communication support to legislative instruments has been provided for. With strategic communication, based on a clear definition of the problem, objectives and target groups, we have managed to incite certain changes in the behaviour of stakeholders and an improvement in the implementation of nature conservation legislation. The article deals with key elements of the project and the effectiveness of different communication approaches in nature conservation. Morski datelj (Lithophaga lithophaga) je zavarovana vrsta školjk, varstvo pa v praksi ni učinkovito. Nezakonito ravnanje različnih deležnikov, med drugim potrošnikov, gostincev in tihotapcev, je tesno povezano s problemom nabiranja teh školjk, ki ogroža biotsko raznovrstnost Sredozemskega morja. V okviru projekta Morski datlji? Ne, hvala! smo zagotovili komunikacijsko podporo zakonodajnim instrumentom. S strateškim komuniciranjem, ki temelji na jasni definiciji problema, ciljev in ciljnih skupin, smo spodbudili spremembe v obnašanju deležnikov in izboljšanje izvajanja naravovarstvene zakonodaje. V prispevku so obravnavani ključni elementi projekta in učinkovitost različnih pristopov komuniciranja na področju varstva narave.
Databáze: OpenAIRE