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Background: Hand is our most important tool that enables grasping and handling of different objects. To assess the function of the upper limb and evaluate progress and treatment success, outcome measures specific for assessing upper limb function and activity are required. Moreover, normative data need to be available. In Slovenia, there is a lack of standardised assessment instruments for hand function in children. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to establish the normative data for the Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure (SHAP test) for healthy children in Slovenia. Methods: The sample consisted of 90 healthy children, aged between seven and 15 years, divided into nine age groups. Each group consisted of five girls and five boys. In total, we tested 45 girls and 45 boys using the SHAP test. Results: Our findings showed that the hand function improves with age. On average, girls have slightly better hand function than boys of the same age group. Some differences were found between the dominant and the non-dominant hand function, but they were not statistically significant. The results for children of the same age group varied in this respect and the dominant hand was sometimes scored worse than the non-dominant hand. Conclusions: The established normative data for the SHAP test in Slovenia will be useful for clinical practice and rehabilitation. Izhodišča: Roka je človekovo najpomembnejše orodje in omogoča prijemanje in rokovanje z različnimi predmeti. Za oceno poškodovanega ali okvarjenega zgornjega uda in ocenjevanje napredka in uspešnosti obravnav potrebujemo ustrezne ocenjevalne instrumente, za ustrezno vrednotenje rezultatov pa tudi normativne podatke. V slovenskem prostoru nimamo veliko standardiziranih instrumentov za ocenjevanje funkcije roke pri otrocih. Namen raziskave je bil zbrati normativne podatke za dosežke na testu SHAP (Southamptonski test za ocenjevanje roke) pri zdravih otrocih v Sloveniji. Metode: Vzorec je obsegal 90 zdravih otrok, starih od sedem do 15 let, razdeljenih v devet starostnih skupin. V vsaki skupini smo v testiranje vključili pet deklet in pet fantov, skupaj torej 45 deklet in 45 fantov. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da se funkcija roke z leti v povprečju izboljšuje, dosežki deklet pa so v splošnem nekoliko boljši kot dosežki fantov. Rezultati so pokazali, da se skupni indeks funkcioniranja dominantne in nedominantne roke lahko razlikuje, a ne statistično značilno. Otroci iste starosti so imeli glede tega različne rezultate in dominantna roka je bila pri nekaterih slabše ocenjena kot nedominantna. Zaključki: Ocenjeni povprečni dosežki in standardni odkloni testiranja s testom SHAP bodo v veliko pomoč v klinični in terapevtski praksi. |