Predictive validity of the Slovene Matura exam for academic achievement in humanities and social sciences: Napovedna veljavnost slovenske mature za študijsko uspešnost v humanistiki in družboslovju

Autor: Krebl, Maja, Kutin, Aneja, Sočan, Gregor, Špeh, Andreja
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Psihološka obzorja (Ljubljana)
Popis: The aim of this study was to examine the relations between the theory of mind and metalinguistic competences in early childhood. The sample included 45 children aged from 4;6 to 6 years from 5 different Slovene preschools. The False belief task and the Pictures sequencing task were used to assess children's theory of mind. Children's metaling uistic competences were assessed with the Little glove storytelling test and the Scales of general language development. Children's parents also completed a questionnaire, designed to obtain information about children's play. The results showed significant correlations between children's scores on the majority of tasks. A significant relationship was found between children's theory of mind, their metalinguistic awareness and their storytelling competence, especially the content structure of their story. This association might reflect similar demands for ch ildren's understanding of representations that is necessary for the theory of mind and metalinguistic competences. Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between the scores on the Picture sequencing task and children's false belief understanding, but there was a significant correlation between these scores and children's scores on the tasks of metalinguistic competences, which could be an indicator of a relation between child's sequencing of pictures into a complete story and their metalinguistic competences. Results did not show significant differences between children's theory of mind or their metalinguistic awareness based on the type of their most frequent play. Thus, the study provides a complex insight into relations between different aspects of children's theory of mind and metalinguistic competences; and as such highlights the strong relationship between both constructs. Namen pričujoče raziskave je bil podrobneje preučiti povezave med teorijo uma in metajezikovnimi zmožnostmi pri otrocih v zgodnjem otroštvu. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 45 otrok, starih od 4;6 do 6 let, ki so prihajali iz 5 različnih slovenskih vrtcev. Za ocenjevanje teorije uma smo uporabili Nalogo napačnih prepričanj in Preizkus razvrščanja slik, za ocenjevanje metajezikovnih zmožnosti pa Lestvice splošnega govornega razvoja in Preizkus pripovedovanja zgodbe - Rokavička. Poleg tega je bil uporabljen tudi vprašalnik za starše, namenjen zbiranju informacij o igri otrok. Rezultati so pokazali pomembno povezanost med dosežki otrok pri večini uporabljenih preizkusov. Kot pomembna se je kazala medsebojna povezanost otrokove teorije uma z metajezikovnim zavedanjem in pripovedovanjem zgodbe, še posebej z vidika vsebinske strukture zgodbe. Povezave med navedenimi zmožnostmi lahko kažejo na podobne zahteve po otrokovem razumevanju reprezentacij, ki ga predvidevajo otrokova teorija uma in metajezikovne zmožnosti. Poleg tega se dosežki pri Preizkusu razvrščanja slik niso pomembno povezovali z otrokovim razumevanjem napačnih prepričanj, so se pa ti dosežki pomembno povezovali z otrokovimi dosežki pri preizkusih metajezikovnih zmožnosti, kar kaže na povezanost med otrokovim razvrščanjem slik v celovito zgodbo in njegovimi metajezikovnimi zmožnostmi. Rezultati pa niso pokazali pomembnih razlik v teoriji uma otrok glede na njihovo najpogostejšo vrsto igre. Raziskava nudi celovit pregled odnosov med različnimi vidiki teorije uma pri otrocih in njihovimi metajezikovnimi zmožnostmi ter kot taka opozarja na tesno povezanost obeh konstruktov.
Databáze: OpenAIRE