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Authors are focused on the role the Councils for the Judiciary have for an effective judicial system in the EU Member States. Their role is largely defined by their competences. These generally consist of participation in the process of election or appointment of judges and court presidents, assessment of their work, their promotion, transfer, participation in the disciplinary proceedings against them and their dismissal. It is observed that these competences of the Councils for the Judiciary significantly differ among the Member States. One of the reasons for it is the composition of the Councils, which is different in each Member State and one of the subjects of the article. Along with the Councils' composition and competences (that directly or indirectly influence the functioning of courts), attention is given to its functioning, that is based on the terms of office of its members, their re-election, the type of function they are elected for, quorum and the majority required for the adoption of decisions. Avtorja prispevka se osredotočata na vlogo, ki jo imajo sodni sveti za učinkovit sistem sodstva v državah članicah EU. Njihova vloga je večinoma odvisna od pristojnosti, ki jih uživajo. Te praviloma vsebujejo eno od oblik sodelovanja v postopku izvolitve sodnikov in predsednikov sodišč, oceno njihovega dela, njihovo napredovanje, premestitev, sodelovanje v uvedenih disciplinskih postopkih zoper njih in v primeru njihove razrešitve. Te pristojnosti se med sodnimi sveti držav članic EU pomembno razlikujejo. Eden od vzrokov za tako stanje je njihova sestava, ki je v vsaki državi članici EU drugačna in je ena od vsebin, ki jim je namenjena pozornost v prispevku. Poleg sestave in pristojnosti sodnih svetov (ki neposredno ali posredno vplivajo na delovanje sodišč) je pozornost namenjena tudi delovanju sodnega sveta. To je odvisno od trajanja mandata članov, možnosti njihove ponovne izvolitve, narave funkcije članov, kvoruma in potrebne večine za sprejem odločitev. |