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A digital humanities project has to find an adequate way for presenting the contents of the database it researches. To resolve this task an interdisciplinary team is formed in which a researcher of humanities, a graphic designer and a computer engineer collaborate. The user interface that structures the ordering of the database and guides the queries, as well as its final stage, visualization of the retrieved results, are based on the principles of graphic design, montage of a moving image and the principles of new media. In the background of information visualization and information design is the ability for diagrammatic thinking. The second part of the paper presents an experiment in computer-based visualizations of a literary-history database WomenWriters, where the theoretical concepts were tested in practice. Projekt s področja digitalne humanistike se znajde pred problemom, kako za konkretno podatkovno zbirko načrtovati njej ustrezen način prikaza podatkov. Tovrstna naloga zahteva povezovanje znanj vsaj treh disciplin: humanistike, računalništva in grafičnega oblikovanja. Vmesnik, ki uporabnika vodi pri urejanju arhiva in iskanju, kot tudi zadnja stopnja vmesnika, tj. interaktivni, širšemu, celo laičnemu občinstvu namenjeni prikaz zadetkov, sta kot komunikacijska modula načrtovana upoštevajoč principe grafičnega oblikovanja, montaže gibljive slike in jezika novih medijev. V ozadju vizualizacije podatkov in informacijskega oblikovanja stoji diagramski model mišljenja. Drugi del besedila predstavi eksperimentalni projekt vizualizacije digitalne zbirke literarnozgodovinskih podatkov WomenWriters. |