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Background: The authors describe some interesting details of the introductory period of IVFET, which lasted from 1982 to 1990, and represented the first development phase of introducing a new method of infertility treatment in Slovenia. Description: A group of experts in Ljubljana performed their first extra-corporeal fertilisation on 25 May 1983, and following four development periods, already on 5 October 1994 reported a birth of the first twins conceived with the help of the new method, thus becoming the second centre in the former Yugoslavia, which succeeded in introducing IVF-ET. At the gynecological department of Maribor General Hospital, the first embryo transfer was performed on 24 December 1983, however, it failed to result in pregnancy. Later on they were faced with several technical problems, which are described in the present article. Maribor group of experts, owing to major problems with premises, equipment and experience, reported a birth of IVF conceived twins only in 1989, and thus became the third such centre in the former Yugoslavia. Conclusion: By 1990, both centres had also won recognition in the wider European area of expertise, and reached an agreement on a single national register of children born with the help of the new method. The overview provides a detailed bibliography of the published and other documented contributions, showing how the new method of infertility treatment became established in our country. Izhodišče: Avtorji opisujejo nekatere zanimive podrobnosti pri prvih začetkih uvajanja IVF-ET od leta 1982 do leta 1990, ko se po njihovem mnenju konča prvo razvojno obdobje uvajanja nove metode zdravljenja neplodnosti v Sloveniji. Opis razvoja: Ljubljanska skupina strokovnjakov je 25. maja 1983 izvedla prvo zunajtelesno oploditev matere in že 5. oktobra 1984 porodila, po štirih obdobjih razvoja, prvi dvojčici, spočeti po novi metodi in tako postala drugi center v bivši Jugoslaviji, ki jim je uspelo vpeljati IVF-ET. Prvi embriotransfer so na Ginekološkem oddelku v Splošni bolnišnici Maribor napravili 24. decembra 1983, vendar ni prišlo do zanositve. Kasneje so se soočali s številnimi strokovnimi problemi, ki jih opisujemo v prispevku. Mariborska skupina pa je zaradi večjih težav s prostori, z opremo in izkušnjami porodila, prav tako dvojčka, šele leta 1989, in to kot tretji center v bivši Jugoslaviji. Zaključek: Do leta 1990 sta se oba centra uveljavila tudi v širšem evropskem strokovnem področju in se dogovorila o enotnem nacionalnem registru otrok, rojenih z novo metodo. V pregledu predstavljamo natančne bibliografske podatke o objavljenih in drugih dokumentiranih prispevkih, ki dokazujejo, kako se je nova metoda zdravljenja neplodnosti uveljavila v naši državi. |