Širša perspektiva vpogleda v ustreznost bolnikovega bivalnega okolja - socialno delo na terenu: A wider perspective of insight into the adequacy of patient's living environment - social field work

Autor: Skok, Vanja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Rehabilitacija (Ljubljana)
Popis: The aim of social work in rehabilitation is solving social problems relevant to the person undergoing rehabilitation, as well as cooperation within a multidisciplinary team that plans and implements the programs of comprehensive rehabilitation. Social work is aimed to support patients - goals and decisions. The living environment of the patient after discharge dictates the form and the selection of professional intervention. Planning of discharge is an important part of social treatment and is carried out with an individualised approach, which enables selection of adequate forms of support. The social treatment must account for objective and subjective factors in the patient's reality, either regarding their influence on rehabilitation or regarding the planning of discharge. Field work is an important part of social work in rehabilitation of persons with spinal cord lesions. Social work is always carried out within the context of a certain environment and is a process of interaction with people in that environment. Field work takes the social worker outside the boundaries of his or her workplace in the institution and into the institutional place of other services and professionals who cooperate with the social worker in performing the tasks. By visiting the patient at his or her home, the social worker enters the patient's living environment in a direct and interactive manner. Naloga socialnega dela na področju rehabilitacije je reševanje pomembnih socialnih problemov za osebo na rehabilitaciji in sodelovanje v multidisciplinarnem timu pri oblikovanju in izvajanju programov celostne rehabilitacije. Socialno delo je usmerjeno v podporo ljudem pri doseganju njihovih ciljev in odločitev. Od tega, kje bo bolnik živel po odpustu, je odvisna oblika in izbira strokovne intervencije. Načrtovanje odpusta je pomemben del socialne obravnave. Z individualnim pristopom načrtovanja odpusta se zagotovi tudi izbor ustrezne oblike pomoči. Pri socialni obravnavi je potrebno upoštevati objektivne in subjektivne dejavnike v bolnikovi realnosti - zaradi njihovega vpliva na potek rehabilitacije ali za načrtovanje odpusta. Terensko delo je pomemben segment prakse socialnega dela v rehabilitacijski obravnavi oseb z okvaro hrbtenjače. Socialno delo poteka vedno v kontekstu določenega okolja in je proces interakcij z ljudmi v določenem prostoru. S terenskim delom socialna delavka deluje zunaj svojega delovnega okolja v matični ustanovi v institucionalnem prostoru drugih služb in strokovnjakov, s katerimi sodeluje pri opravljanju delovnih nalog. Z obiskom na domu tako vstopa v življenjski svet bolnika na neposreden, interaktiven način.
Databáze: OpenAIRE