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The respective article deals with termination of employment contract from the perspective of theoretical legal concept of forming rights. With this respect, the simple termination of employment contract is analysed, whereby for the purposes of this article simple termination of employment contract represents those minimal requirements that needs to be satisfied in case of termination of employment contract achieves legal consequences, i.e. lawful or unlawful termination of employment contract and/or employment relationship. The author distinguishes between simple and lawful termination of employment contract, and emphasizes that the employee shall use legal remedies against simple (but unlawful) termination, otherwise the simple termination becomes fully effective. The author analyses simple termination in the light of forming rights and applicable case law and underlines that the case law in some cases (e.g. regarding the form of termination) unjustifiably, and to the detriment of job protection, places too great value to the fast and final regulation of employment relationship. V predmetnem prispevku se odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi obravnava z vidika pravno-teoretičnega koncepta oblikovalnih pravic. V tem okviru se analizira poenostavljena odpoved, kar za potrebe tega prispevka predstavlja tiste minimalne zahteve, ki jih mora odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi vsebovati, da doseže pravne učinke, tj. prenehanje pogodbe o zaposlitvi oz. delovnega razmerja. Avtor razlikuje poenostavljeno in zakonito odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi in pri tem izpostavlja, da mora za zaščito pred poenostavljenimi, a nezakonitimi odpovedmi, delavec uporabiti sodno varstvo, sicer poenostavljena odpoved postane polno učinkovita. Avtor poenostavljene odpovedi analizira v luči oblikovalnih pravic in veljavne sodne prakse ter izpostavlja, da sodna praksa (npr. glede oblike odpovedi) neupravičeno na škodo pravnega varstva zaposlitve daje prevelik poudarek hitremu in dokončnemu urejanju delovno pravnih razmerij. |