Evropsko (mednarodno zasebno) dedno pravo

Autor: Žnidaršič Skubic, Viktorija
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Pravni letopis
Popis: In the article authoress presents the development of European International Private Law of Succession, from its beginning, until today, when we are faced with the proposition of the Regulation of the European parliament and of the Council on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession. The authoress emphasizes the dilemmas of international succession as such and also presents some basic practical problems that people are faced with when involved in the procedures with an international connotation. This is followed by the explanation of suitability and also legal justification of the acceptance of the legal regulation in the field of Law of Succession by the EU. Authoress also brings up the crucial aspects of this kind of solving international inheritance problems and presents the basic solutions of the proposition of the regulation. She is explaining and also critically judging them. In the conclusion, the authoress asks herself also about the phenomenon of the so called spontaneous harmonization of the Law of Succession. V prispevku je predstavljen razvoj evropskega mednarodnega zasebnega dednega prava od njegovih začetkov pa vse do danes, ko je pripravljen predlog Uredbe Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o pristojnosti, pravu, ki se uporablja, priznavanju in izvrševanju sodnih odločb in javnih listin v zapuščinskih zadevah ter uvedbi evropskega potrdila o dedovanju. Avtorica opozarja na problematiko mednarodnega dedovanja in opiše temeljne probleme, s katerimi se srečujejo stranke v zapuščinskih postopkih, ki imajo mednarodnopravni element. Sledi razlaga primernosti in tudi pravne utemeljenosti sprejemanja prisilnega predpisa na ravni EU za področje dedovanja. Avtorica opozori na ključne vidike tovrstnega reševanja problematike mednarodnega dedovanja. Nato predstavi temeljne rešitve predloga uredbe ter jih tudi obrazloži in kritično presoja. V sklepu se sprašuje tudi o pojavu spontane harmonizacije dednega prava.
Databáze: OpenAIRE